Wednesday, July 29, 2015


For the majority of people, downsizing is a dreadful word. It means that there is a change that is about to happen, and at some point, make you uncomfortable. I have decided to downsize. My downsizing is voluntary and much needed…….. I am getting rid of some of my shoes. Now if you know me, you know I love shoes. Heck, everything I talk about here is about shoes.  However, my focus is no longer on quantity. Currently, I have close to 150 pairs of shoes. That number has gone up and down as I have moved a few times in the past 5 years.

 Recently, I made a purchase that has inspired the downsize. It was a pair of All Stars. Or Chuck Taylors. Whatever you want to call them. I got laughed at for calling them All Stars. Whatevs. I digress. 

My Chucks, they’re classic. All white, red stripe. So simple and clean. By far one of my favorite pairs of shoes to throw on this summer. They got me thinking how easy and simple a good pair of shoes are. Well,….here was my exact though process…

Wow I love these shoes

Damn I have a lot of shoes, and who would have thought I have worn these 3 days in a row.

Well you do have to put APB’s on shoes in your closet E

I have too many shoes

I only want 50 pairs of shoes

10 flats, 10 sneakers/sneaker wedges, 30 pairs of heels

Do I own 10 pairs of flats?

Wait, what about sandals? I have a few pairs of those, are those flats?

I’ll work out the numbers later, but 50 sounds good, maybe 60 and flat sandals get their own category

Oh, I should blog about this.

So there it is. The shoes that it all.  So this weekend, I will be downsizing. I’ll let you know what the final verdicts are, which shoes made the cut and why, and rearranging them for the upcoming season change.