Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's Finally Here! All Things shoes!

           SHOES WITH A VIEW
...and it has begun

If you know me, and if you don't...."you 'gone learn today" ::Kevin Hart voice::...., you know I like love am OBSESSED with shoes. Not so much an Obsession really, but shoes are my "thing". They can make and break any outfit, make you feel sexy and confident (and in my case, tall), and they can tell a LOT about a person.

This all started one day looking out a Panoramic window at work (ex-employer). I was on break, and I went to relax and kick my feet up. I was wearing Flip-Flops that day.(The fact that a flip flop started this is amazing to me...you will see why). Then something magical happened, I took a picture and "Wa La Magic", I posted it to Instagram!!! (OK, so it wasn't magical). Being that I have a lot of shoes (understatement) and I like love shoes, I decided to take pictures of my shoes and post them for the world to see.

My first #shoewithaview and the "Magical" location

<------sneak glimpse at another pair of shoes

These chairs were the bomb.com

If you want to take a look at some of the other shoes I've posted, check me out on Instagram @Beauty84Brains #shoeswithaview. I have shoe pictures on my IG that I didn't hashtag (#), because the fabulous idea didn't come until later. As a matter of fact, that is where I got the Idea to even Blog all of this (Shout out to @lydongirly-Lorian-for being the first person to put the thought in my mind, and @nenitav02-Vanessa- for offering to be my CFO when I finally kicked this thing off)

So, I hope you all enjoy, there will be all kinds of things to come ( not just looking at my feet) like Taking care of your feet in general, a (toe) Polish of the week, and how to pick out amazing shoes in general!

                   ***disclaimer....I am NOT a stylist, I just simply like shoes and fashion***

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